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Growth Driven Design: Discover what your website visitors want, without the guesswork.

    Growth Driven Design (GDD) is a data-driven approach to website design and development that helps you achieve your business goals. Manmash Consulting works with you to develop a strategy and launchpad website, then uses real-time data and analytics to continuously improve it. The result is a website that is always growing and improving, and helping you achieve your business goals. GDD has the following three stages:
    1. Strategy
    2. The Launch pad
    3. Continuous Improvement
    Growth Driven Design, a new methodology to web design that launches a website quickly and continuously improves it based on user behavior analysis and feedback
    traditional website design is broken as it doesnt treat the website as a product and doesnt call for continuous improvements in features, functionality and ui/ux

    Why Traditional Website Design Methodology is Broken? Traditional web design approach results in websites that are hard to navigate and not user friendly.

    Traditional web design is not a data-driven approach.  Instead, it is more of a creative process that is based on the designer’s intuition. This can be a drawback in today’s competitive marketing landscape, where businesses need to constantly test and improve their websites to stay ahead of the competition.

    Traditional web design is often based on the designer’s intuition or experience. It is not based on real data about how users interact with websites. This can lead to websites that are not user-friendly or that do not convert visitors into customers.

    Traditional web design websites take months to go live. This is because the traditional web design process is time-consuming and inefficient. It can take months to go from the initial design phase to the launch of the website.

    The Basic Framework of GDD

    How a Growth-Driven Website Design journey begins and continues

    10-14 days


    10-14 days
    60-90 days

    The Launch Pad Website

    60-90 days
    7/14/30 day sprints

    Continuous Improvement

    7/14/30 day sprints

    1. Strategy Set SMART Goals, Develop Buyer Personas, Conduct Qualitative and Quantitative Research, and Create a Wishlist

    The Strategy Phase is the first and most important stage of Growth-Driven Design. It lays the foundation for the rest of the process by ensuring that you have a clear understanding of your goals, your users, and your website’s performance.

    Our Growth Driven Design Agency will be involved with you in every step of the Strategy Phase so that together, we can create a rock-solid foundation for your website that helps you understand your ideal customer and achieve your business goals.

    Set SMART Goals, Develop Buyer Personas, Conduct Qualitative and Quantitative Research, and Create a Wishlist in the strategy phase of GDD
    Brainstorm, prioritize, and manage a wishlist to gather ideas and prioritize features for your new website right after the strategy phase

    1.2 Wishlist Brainstorm, prioritize, and manage a wishlist to gather ideas and prioritize features for your new website 

    We gather insights from key people across your organization, such as sales and customer success, to brainstorm and prioritize a list of features and functionalities for your new website.

    This helps us create a wishlist of the most valuable features and functionalities that will inspire your users to take a desired action on your website and convert into paying customers.

    We then analyze results and manage the wishlist on an ongoing basis to ensure that it remains up-to-date and relevant.

    2. Launch Pad Website Quickly build a functional website by running an 80/20 analysis on your wishlist

    The Launch Pad phase is the second phase of the Growth-Driven Design process. It’s a quick and easy way to build a website that’s better than what you have today without having to spend a lot of time or money, and it allows you to start collecting data on user behavior so you can make informed decisions about how to improve your website over time.

    Web Design Consultants at Manmash Consulting have a deep understanding of GDD and can help you get started on the right foot and ensure that your Launch Pad website is a success.

    Quickly build a functional website by running an 80/20 analysis on your Wishlist
    Iterative website development and enhancements based on user insights and feedback

    3. Continuous Improvement Iterative website development and enhancements based on user insights and feedback

    Manmash Consulting will help you in continuously improving your website and delivering an outstanding user experience.

    We use a holistic approach that leverages user data, agile principles, user-centric design, data analysis, and cross-team collaboration. 

    We’re here to help you every step of the way. We’ll work with you to collect user data, identify areas for improvement, and implement changes in 7, 14 or 30 days sprints to make sure your website is always evolving, meeting the needs of your users, and helping you achieve your business goals.

    3.1. The Growth Driven Web Design Performance Roadmap Focusing on most impactful elements to achieve website goals and user satisfaction

    The GDD Website Performance Roadmap is a proven framework for building a peak-performing website through continuous improvement. However, it can be difficult to know where to start and how to implement the roadmap effectively. That’s where Manmash Consulting comes in. 

    We are a leading Growth Driven Design agency that understands that each business is unique. Our approach is tailored to your specific needs and objectives. We commit to themes for extended periods, ensuring that you gain meaningful user insights and build traction in the right direction. 

    This roadmap helps our consultants set clear expectations with clients, measure progress, and align our efforts with the long-term vision of the website.

    • Establish theme focuses on growing website users/traffic
    • Optimize theme focuses on optimizing conversion rates
    • Expand theme focuses on finding news ways to grow the website like building digital assets and products
    Focusing on most impactful elements to achieve website goals and user satisfaction using GDD performance roadmap


    Frequently Asked Questions about Our Growth-driven Design Service


    Get in touch with Manzar Mashhood



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